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Migrating To AWS

Migration from on-Premises to AWS Environment

Organisations are advancing the use of AWS cloud for number of various reasons such as freeing from IT assets, simplifying the operation and maintenance system, speeding up the start of service use, and improving availability.

CloudiQS help you plan your AWS migration in the best possible way, considering cost and operational efficiency. Please contact us if you have any issues with AWS migration of systems running on-premises or in other cloud environments. 

We support cloud migration by proposing plans and specific actions until the migration is completed.

AWS Cloud Migrations

A successful cloud relocation usually requires a complete planning in accordance with the relocation procedure. CloudiQS has rich experience in assisting corporate customers to go to the cloud, providing complete services such as consulting, evaluation, execution, and optimisation to help customers reduce costs and improve overall operations Flexibility, reduction of technical debt, etc



Migrations Target Outcome

The prescriptive model that AWS describes in this guide is built on direct customer engagement experiences in the field. We  adoption same strategy that is closely aligned with your business goals and objectives. We make sure your decision process for migrating resources to AWS depends on the migration method (for example, rehost, refactor, replatform). This guide leads your journey  through the implementation process, and helps you align with other processes and launch functions in the readiness and planning phase.

Reference Architecture find out more here

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